5 Common Health Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them


Just yesterday, you were feeling on top of the world and in your element. Suddenly, today, you feel very sick. Many illnesses don’t usually announce their coming. This also has a way of disrupting our planned activities for the next coming days.

Sometimes, it could be a reaction to the environment or an allergy. And other times, it could be more serious issues that knock you out for days or weeks. However, common health pitfalls could be averted if people paid more attention to their lifestyle.

Lack of Protein

Most meals that people eat contain protein, but the actual issue here is how much protein does the body need? Protein is the building block for the tendons, organs, and muscles. Little wonder health and fitness enthusiasts have it topmost on their nutrient list. Protein deficiency can cause a loss of muscle mass, increased risk of bone fracture, and increased infection rate.

Studies show that an adult needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. This means men would require 56 grams of protein per day and women, 46 grams. Protein is important for those who work out because the more calories they burn, the necessary it is to replenish. After the day’s workout, protein-rich foods like soy, nuts, fish, or smoothies help make up for what is lost.


Research reveals that the recommended water intake for healthy people should follow the four to six cups rule. This is subject to exercise, temperature, or illness, which might increase or decrease bodily fluid. Water helps to normalize blood pressure, transports nutrients and oxygen, and aids digestion, among other functions.

Many individuals don’t drink enough water throughout the day, especially older adults who don’t sense thirst as much as when they were younger. So there has to be a deliberate system created to ensure that the body is well lubricated. There are smart water bottles that track water intake and even glow to remind users to drink. The bottle is connected to an app through Bluetooth, and some go as far as calculating your hydration needs based on your activity level.

For some people, drinking water is just plain old boring. You can mix in tea and add flavors to make it an activity to look forward to. You could also set reminders at specific intervals during the day to remind you of this important task.

Read also: Is Vitamin D3 Deficiency is Dangerous?

Vitamin Deficiency

This can be caused by different reasons, such as a low vitamin diet or overcooking your food. It is best to see your doctor over concerns. People who are on specific diets like gluten-free, keto, dairy-free, or vegan are at a higher risk of vitamin deficiency. When foods like meat, milk, and carbohydrate are avoided over a period, it deprives the body of nutrients like vitamin D and B12.

Lack of exposure to sunlight could also result in vitamin D deficiency. Adequate sunlight intake helps the body produce vitamin D. The body needs different proportions of vitamins, of which food only provides a small fraction. This is why many people use supplements.

Supplements help the body attain the maximal amount of vitamins it needs to function effectively. Various supplements address different needs. For example, vitamin D gummies offer benefits like fighting diseases and seasonal depression.

Read Also: Why Do You Need Vitamin Supplements For Kids?

Mental Health Concerns

Another health pitfall that takes people by surprise is their mental health. Many factors lead to mental health depletion, like stressors, peer pressure, low self-esteem, and the pressure to be better. Mental health issues may not be preventable, but you can improve and effectively manage them.

This is why people need to be self-aware and understand their body needs per time. Going for counseling, having workout sessions, and separating time for meditation can help. Talking about your feelings and having someone to confide in can make all the difference.


Insomnia has many underlying conditions, like obesity, diabetes, and depression, making the treatment difficult. However, sticking to a sleeping schedule and a good sleep environment have proven to be helpful. Medications like melatonin also improve sleep. Dietary habits like avoiding going to bed on an empty stomach, avoiding heavy meals two to three hours before bedtime, and removing caffeine from your nighttime diet also improve sleep.

It’s Up To You

For most of the pitfalls listed, you have full control to avoid them by making some changes to your everyday life. Start with small changes daily, and they will likely add up to a health reset. This can help you be more productive and live an overall happier life.


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