Like not all fingers are equal, not all of them has beautiful natural skin. Some suffer from dry skin while other with oily. Well both has to be treated wisely. Let’s take a look at oily skin.(Read: Tips for unwanted facial hair)
Sebacious glands are present inside the layers of the skin. The function of this layer is to release the sebum or oil and to maintain moisturization of the skin . Although sebum is good, but for some, this functionality happens more than required, the over production of oil turns skin into oily skin. Exposing more to pollution, hormonal changes, women taking birth pills, improper food, etc., also leads to oily skin. Over oilyness leads to (Read: Tips for acne)
- Acne,
- Clogs, open pores and black heads
- Thick, shiny, greasy and rough skin
Although with natural remedies it can be cured, but if occurs genetically, high stress levels or sudden hormonal imbalances, then necessary precautions must be taken. If the situation worsen then consult dermatologist immediately.
Precautions to take for oily skin :
- Totally avoid fried food items, junk food, fatty foods, oily food, street foods.
- Avoid high sugar and sweet foods.
- Try to avoid heavy makeup with harsh cosmetics.
- Do not expose to sun directly.
- Do not rub your face with rough or harsh clothes.
- Avoid harsh and perfumed soaps and moisturisers. (Read: Watermelon seeds benefits)
- Eat loads of vitamin c extract food, rich fiber food, fresh leafy vegetables and fruits.
- Do some exercises and yoga asanas daily every morning.
Home Remedies For Oily Skin :
Wash Face Regularly : It is seen that many of them does not wash their at least twice a day. Try to wash your face with plain or hot water, instead of harsh soaps or cleansers (Read: face masks for pimple free skin)
Minimise the hand touch : As our hands contain bacteria, it gets into the skin and double the chances of infection. Oily skin tend to prone to acne when we touch it, in turn becomes dark spots.
1) Tomato :
Tomato has salicylic acid which works on the oily skin, removes the acne, dirt skin and cleanses the skin. It has inflammatory and astringent properties which soothes the skin, maintains pH balance, closes and tightens the open pores. (Read: Remedies for skin tags)
- Tomato pack : A raw tomato is enough. Take a tomato, make it puree and apply on your face. Pat dry for 15 minutes. wash with water. This can be done twice in a week.
2)Tomato and Sugar Pack :
Take a tomato, make it puree, add sugar, whisk it and apply it. Massage gently on the affected areas. This works on the pores, acts as scrubber, removes dead skin cells, tightens the pores. Leave it for 10 mins. Repeat the process twice a week. (Read: Remedies for skin tan)
3)Tomato and Lemon juice :
Lemon juice contains the citric acid and vitamin c, which controls the sebum production. Take the juice of tomato add to it 2 spoons of lemon juice. Dip the solution with cotton balls and apply on your face. Let it dry, wash off. Do it thrice a week.
4)Eggs :
Egg is rich in proteins, which repairs the skin tissue, strengthens skin elasticity,cleanses the skin by removing black heads and dead skin pores. (Read: Remedies for skin pigmentation)
- Take the white part of the egg. whisk it properly. Apply to your face. Let it dry by itself. After dry, wash your face with cold water.
5)Egg with lemon Pack :
As lemon contains vitamin c and citric acid, it basically closes the skin pores and stops release of excess sebum.
- Take egg white add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. whisk it properly, apply on the affected areas, leave it 30 minutes, massage it in circular motion with some water, and after sometime wash it with lukewarm water.
6)Mango :
As the mango is the king of fruits, it is largely available in summer. This can be used in the best way. Mango contains vitamin A, C and minerals as well. It is best exfoliating agent and fights with excess oil in the skin. Take 1 spoon of mango pulp, add to it 2 tea spoons of honey and 2 table spoons of curd. mix it properly, apply on the face, and wash after 15 minutes. (Read: Tips for mosquito bites)
7)Cucumbers :
Cucumbers has minerals, vitamins and 90% is made of water which gives a cooling and soothing experience and hydrates the face as well. Cucumber can be applied directly to the face.(Read: Benefits of drinking cucumber water)
- Take a cucumber, peel off, chop it and blend it in a juicer. Take the pulp and spread evenly on the face. If pulp massaging is messy, then simply chop off cucumber slices into pieces and apply on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes.
8)Cucumber and Sugar :
A scrub made of sugar and cucumber is the best, specially in summers. (Read: Tips for varicose veins)
- Take a cucumber, extract the juice, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to it, whisk it properly, apply it, and gently massage. Let this dry for 20 mins. Wash with water and moisturize it.
9)Aloe Vera :
Aloe Vera the best and the natural products which works internally and externally. Externally it does wonders for oily skin. It stops the sebum/oil treats the open pores, changes the skin tone.
- Take an aloe vera leaf. Cut it into two parts in length wise. Take the gel with the help of the spoon or knife, and apply directly with gentle massage.
10)Aloe Vera and Lemon Pack :
Take equal parts of aloevera juice and lemon juice. Soak a cotton ball in this solution. Cleanse the face with this cotton ball. Gently massage it in circular and anti circular motion. wash off and apply moisturiser. This works excellently which gives you the fresh and young facial look
11)Multani Mitti (fuller’s earth) :
Multani Mitti (fuller’s earth), is extracted from the earth’s inner layer. This acts proactively on the oily skin by renergizing your face. Take 2 tablespoons of multani mitti in a bowl, add either rose water/cucumber juice/ lemon juice/yogurt/aloe vera juice. Mix it and make a thick paste. Apply it on to your face and let it dry. Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply a moisturizer. Do not expose to skin immediately.
12)Blotting papers :
Nowadays blotting papers are available every where. Blotting papers are cheap to get and doesn’t include any chemicals. These bloating papers acts as external agent on the face, by removing the oil from the face, and giving a fresh look and oil-free faces.
2 Responses
Hi i have applied lemon and cucumber and other different remedy none of these provided me best results so far will Egg with lemon Pack provide me best result or not ?
Please go through our remedies provided in the article, definitely results will be good