Unlocking the Mystery: What Are Hair Undertones?

Hair UndertoneHair Undertone

Have you ever wondered why some colors look fine with your hair, and others don’t, even though they’re in the same hue family? It’s all down to something you may never have heard of before hair undertones. Knowing these strange undertones is important if you want your hairstyle to always look its best. 

To help you, we will explore how hair undertones work and reveal some of their secrets. By the end, you should have a better idea of your hair’s undertone type and tips and tricks that will assist you in choosing the perfect style every time.

What Are Hair Undertones and Why Are They Important?

Are you wondering what are hair undertones? Hair undertones are far more than just the colors of your hair. They reveal another layer of depth and complexity that can change how people perceive you when they look at your hair.

Hair undertones are subtle color differences that appear within an overall hue, such as reds, blondes, and browns. For example, a blonde may have warm golden undertones of gold or very warm or cool undertones with an ash undertone.

Understanding and recognizing hair undertones is important for selecting the right hair color. This allows you to choose a shade of blonde hair that complements your natural skin tones, tone, and eye color.

When your hair has the correct undertone, you create harmony between different parts of your face and body. Hair with an incorrect undertone can throw off the balance of fair skin, making you look washed out or as though your hair color doesn’t match your skin tone.

How To Identify Your Hair Undertone?

Identifying your hair undertone is relatively simple. You can determine it by looking at the predominant color of your hair and comparing it to the four categories of skin undertones below red, orange, yellow, and brown/black.

For example, if you have dark brown hair with a tinge of red, you would likely fall into the red undertone category. On the other hand, if you have light brown hair with an underlying yellow hue, you are likely looking at a yellow undertone.

You may have a neutral or muted undertone if your hair is more neutral and doesn’t appear influenced by any of these categories. This type of undertone is more difficult to identify because it can combine several colors.

Tips for Choosing the Right Color for Your Undertone

Choosing the right color for your hair undertone can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The trick is understanding which colors are best suited to your undertone and being brave enough to try out a few. 

To make it easier for you, here are some suggestions that will help you pick out the perfect shade for you:

Identify your skin undertones.

Your skin undertone is the primary factor when choosing a hair color. If you have cool-toned skin or a pinkish hue, go for colors like ash blonde, mocha brown, and steel gray.

If you have warm-toned skin with golden or yellow undertones, go for honey blonde, copper reds, and mahogany brown.

Desire a hair color that goes well with your skin tone.

Your hair color should be two shades lighter or darker than your skin tone. Otherwise, it might end up looking too stark and washed out.

If you have fair skin, try a light hue for a subtle skin glow that will bring out your complexion’s natural radiance. Similarly, if you have dark skin tones, look for colors like deep brunette or jet black to make your features stand out.

Consider your natural hair color.

If you want to keep your color close to your natural shade, consider using shades within a few hues of your original hair shade. The trick is to make sure the undertones complement each other.

Add warm tones like copper or mahogany if you have naturally dark hair. On the other hand, if you have naturally light hair, try using cooler tones like ash blonde or steel gray.

Test the shade before committing.

Even if you’ve read plenty of reviews and picked out the perfect shade for your skin tone, it is always best to test it before committing.

Get a few strands of your hair colored and check how it looks in different lights. After applying it to your entire head, this will give you an idea about how the color will look.

Consult with a professional hairstylist.

Choosing a suitable hair color can be tough. That’s why consulting with a professional hairstylist is always a good idea.

They can help you select the perfect shade that complements your warm skin tones and takes into account your cool and warm undertones.


Understanding the concept of hair undertones is essential for achieving your desired look. With some research and experimentation, you can determine your undertone color and find the perfect shade to match it.

By considering all the information above, you should have a clear idea of how to unlock the my

tery of hair undertones. So go ahead and get creative with your hair color – you’re sure to look fabulous.

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