Health Care Remedies

7 Common Ways To Whiten Yellow teeth – Perfect Home Remedies

yellow teeth

The most beautiful act in our body is smile. A smile on one’s face brings smile on 1000’s face. But when this smile is yellow in colour, how does that it look. Yellow teeth looks bad, feels bad for us and for others as well.

What causes teeth yellow?

  • The thin enamel makes teeth yellow
  • With cigarettes, cigar and alcohol, teeth becomes yellow.
  • Whenever food items which are orange, yellow in color, sour in taste, acids from drinks, result in yellow teeth
  • Saliva washes the acids on the teeth, but lack of saliva remains acids on the teeth, disturbs enamel and teeth becomes yellowish
  • Vitamin C tablets also contains acid, which causes teeth yellowing

How to prevent yellow teeth?

  • Brush, brush and brush your teeth morning and night
  • Change your tooth brush once a month
  • Opt for dentist, for teeth cleaning and enamel check up
  • Avoid soda, alcohol, beverages and cigarette smoking
  • Drink soda and cool drinks with straw, rather than drinking directly
  • Gargle your mouth after every meal. (Read: How to remove unwanted facial hair)

Instant remedies for yellow teeth

Baking soda:

Baking soda

Baking soda contains enzymes, which fights bacteria and helps in teeth whitening. With baking soda, one can whiten teeth by diluting 2 different ingredients in 2 ways (Read: Benefits of Baking Soda for Acne)

  • Baking soda with paste: Apply tooth paste on the brush. Take a pinch of baking soda and sprinkle on the paste. Brush your teeth with the mix for 2 min. After brushing, gargle perfectly, so that no baking soda, will stick into the enamel.
  • Baking soda with lemon: Take pinch of baking soda and dilute it with lemon juice and make it a paste.  Now, with the help of brush, brush the mix on the teeth for 2 min. Wash your thoroughly, after brushing. Do this every day for one week if stains are sticky. After stains goes off, brush it once a week.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains anti microbial properties, which clean gums in the teeth and removes yellow stains on teeth.  Oil pulling also sharpens your brain too. (Read: Coconut oil Benefits)

  • Simply take a spoonful of coconut oil in the mouth and swish for about 10-15 min. Start oil pulling daily.  
  • Drop a few drops of oil on tooth paste and start brushing for about 5 min
  • Take few drops of oil on washed clothes and rub on the teeth .

Apple cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar

Its surprising, but ACV really works for teeth whitening. It is acidic in nature, contains acetic acid, magnesium, potassium and probiotics and PH clearly removes the stains on the teeth.

  • Take ACV and rub on your teeth for 2 min and wash off immediately
  • Again brush your teeth with tooth paste
  • Over brushing will remove the enamel of the teeth.   



Strawberries are proved to be teeth whitener. Many Hollywood stars have been using it and proved to be gem in teeth whitening. It contains antioxidants and compounds which are beneficial for teeth whitening.

  • Take handful of strawberries, mash them and rub on the teeth
  • Leave it for 5 min and wash your teeth properly, so that no stains sticks on the teeth

Orange or lemon peels:

lemon peels

The beneficial acids present in the peels, remove stains on the teeth effectively.

Activated charcoal:

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is the plus point for teeth whitening. It is ancient old technique which our ancestors used to use and is famous till date.

  • Take a because, wet it and dip on the charcoal powder
  • Now brush your teeth with brush and wash off
  • Brush on the affected areas
  • Do this thrice a week

Banana peel:

Banana peel

Well scientifically, it’s not proven, but banana peel does helps in teeth whitening. Peel contains magnesium and potassium, which actively fights against teeth staining (Read: Reasons to Avoid Banana With Milk)

  • Take a banana peel and rub on the teeth
  • Leave it for 5 min and swish off
  • For better results do this at least for 1 month

Bottom line :

Look out for dentist once in two months. If the staining is over loaded rush to the dentist. When the staining is in the early try to stop it by using these remedies.

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