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8 Best Foods That Fights With Dry Skin – Get Moisturized Skin

Dry skin with foods

Dry skin is itchy, dry and wacky to look at. As the winter is coming in, many suffer with the problem of dry skin. Dry skin not only needs external care but internal as well.The perfect skin care regime is to be followed by proper in take of food that suits and avoids dry skin.

Tips for dry skin

  • Keep your skin moisturised by applying lotions and moisturizers.
  • Drink lots of water and milk to stay hydrated.
  • Cover your skin, especially during winters.
  • Stop using harsh soaps.
  • Take bath less than 10 mins.

A perfect diet regime for dry skin:

Milk :


Take at least 1 glass of milk in the morning and at night time. You can also apply it on the affected areas. Try to prefer raw, unpasteurized milk. opt for cow or goat’s milk rather that buffalo milk.

Why milk ?

Milk contains lactic acid and alpha-hydroxy acid, which exfoliates dead skin cells and helps in generating new skin cells. Milk also contains calcium, which heals dry skin and reduces the symptoms of dry skin The potassium content in milk, helps skin to stay moisturized and hydrated, because, potassium deficiency is the main reason for dry skin.

The proteins present in it will help to repair connective tissues of dry skin.

Avocado :


Avocados are the natural ailments where 1 cup of avocados contains 4.8 mg vitamin E, 23 mg vitamin C, 336 IU vitamin A, 253 mg omega-3 fatty acids, 3 vitamin K.

How to take?

This can be taken as raw or include in salads and soups. Try to take atleast 1 cup of avacado in the morning. Add to you diet in the form of salads, soups, recipies, etc., either raw or cooked.

Why to take ?

The vitamin E, potassium and letchin in avocado heals dry skin, moisturizes and treats on it. It removes the dead skin cells and heals them.

The fatty acids and olien present in avocado, improves collagen production, which in turn improves new cell generation.

Can we apply ?

Yes, by applying, avocado, on the skin, it leaves the oil on the skin helping the skin to stay hydrated and moisturized. Apply it in the form of masks, mashed or juice.

Aloevera :

Aloevera gel

Aloevera, the king of medicinal plants helps in healing aloevera gel. It contains,lipids, vitamins A, C, E, minerals, such as zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, B12, glucomannans, selenium, amino acids.

Can we drink ?

Aloe vera can be taken internally, just take 2 scoops of aloe vera gel, in the morning on empty stomach. Apply aloevera gel directly on the skin too or add with any other ingredient You can use it daily, as it does not contains any side effects.

What happens ?

Aloevera hydrates, moisturizes, removes dead skin cells and improves collagen production and protects skin from sun tan as well.

Coconut oil :

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains, microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-protoza properties, which gives clean and beautiful skin.

How to take ?

  • Coconut can be taken directly, by drinking 4 tsp per day in the morning.
  • Apply coconut oil on the areas directly.
  • Prefer virgin or organic coconut oil.
  • Drink coconut oil in hot cup of coffee.

Why coconut oil ?

Coconut oil contains all the anti-oxidants which gives your skin moisturized, hydrated and a good sunscreen. Taking oil in the morning will help in weight loss and beautiful body and health.

Banana :


  • Banana is the whole health fruit, which does wonders for dry skin. It works affectively.
  • Have a banana during snacks period or mid term lunch.
  • Banana contains potassium, Vitamin A, C E, Lectin, Zinc, Amino Acids.

How to take banana ?

Take banana with milk, or add with salads, etc., Apply on the face, directly or just mash it and apply banana face masks works effectively for skin hydration.

Why banana?

It hydrates and moisturizes skin, heals dry and whithered skin, improves collagen production, protects skin from sun damage, removes pimples, acne, stops premature aging of skin.

Fish :


Salmon, mackerel,sardines, cod, or herring and anchovies are the best opted fish to flush out dry skin.

Why these fish ?

These are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals, which holds moisture, stays hydrated and gives you a young looking skin, reduces inflammation and removes toxins.

How to take ?

Take it at least thrice a week. take it cooked, grilled, baked or fried. Its better to take with skin, as the fat below the skin contains omega 3 fatty acids.

Flax seeds :

Flax seeds

It contains anti-inflammatory properties, the essential omega 3 fatty acids helps in removing toxins and retains moisture to the skin.

How to use ?

  • It can be used as powder, adding in the milk, juices, salads.
  • It tastes excellent as dosa.
  • You can consume it raw as well.

Yellow vegetables and oranges :

Yellow vegetables and oranges

Yellow vegetables like sweet potato, pumpkins, carrots, oranges, contains Beta-carotene, converts to vitamin A, this in turn helps in skin repair and heals damaged skin.

How to take ?

  • Take it either as cooked or extract the juice.
  • Oranges contains citrus, take it as it is rather than juice.
  • Boil the sweet potato and sprinkle salt and pepper on it. that’s it.

Nuts :


Among nuts brazil nuts are the best one. Brazil nuts contains selenium, vitamin E, which is good for immune system, but also protects skin from UV rays, dirt and dust.

How to take :

  • Take atleast 2 brazil nuts per day.
  • It improves skin texture and avoids dry skin to the large extent.
  • Just remove the shell and have it.
  • This powder can also be included in milk, salads, desserts, etc.,

Bottom line :

Which ever type of skin is, its important that it should get internal and external care as well.

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Face Mask For Dry Skin


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