When there is over production of melanin in the thigh area, the skin becomes hyper pigmented and dark. Melanin is responsible for skin, and when there is excess of it, that leads to dark thighs. When the groin area and bikini line is undergoing dark type of skin condition, then it is known as acanthosis nigricans. Age is not bar, everyone goes through it.
What are the causes of dark thighs?
- Wearing tight fitting panties and bikinis
- Obese or overweight
- Constantly rubbing of skin
- Hormonal imbalance
- Due to pregnancy, menopause, heavy menstruation, breast feeding
Natural effective home remedies for dark thighs
Lemon juice:
Lemon contains vitamin C and natural bleaching properties, which lightens the pigmented skin and helps in skin cell re growth
- Lemon: ½
- Glycerine: few drops
- Rose water: few drops
How to use?
- Take ½ lemon and extract the juice
- To it add glycerine and rose water
- Take a cotton ball and apply the lotion with it
- Leave it for 30 min and wash off
- Apply moisturizer
- Just rub a slice of lemon or dilute the lemon with water and apply on inner thighs
Oatmeal packs:
Oatmeal contains exfoliating agents, which exfoliates skin.
How to use?
Oatmeal with yogurt:
Yogurt contains lactic acid, bleaching properties, which improves skin cells and removes pigmentation.
- Take equal quantity of yogurt and oatmeal.
- mix it in a bowl and apply to the thigh part
- Leave it for 30 min and wash off
Oatmeal with lemon juice:
Lemon contains vitamin C, which fights dark pigmentation.
- Take ½ cup of oatmeal
- Add to it few drops of lemon juice and turmeric
- Mix it well and massage on the thigh part and leave it
- Wash off with lukewarm water
Sugar scrub:
A gentle sugar scrub prepared at home is enough to remove the dead skin cells easily.
- Sugar: 1 cup
- Lemon juice: few drops
- Honey: few drops
How to use?
- Take all the ingredients and mix them well
- Now apply on the area and massage well
- Leave it for 15 min and wash off with lukewarm water
Baking soda:
Baking soda contains exfoliating and skin lightening properties, which helps in healing dark inner thighs
- Baking soda: ½ cup
- Milk: to make paste
- Honey: few drops
How to use:
- Take a bowl and add all the ingredients
- Mix them well and apply on the area
- Leave it for 20 min and wash off with lukewarm water
Aloe vera:
Aloe vera the king in medicinal plant contains many skin lightening agents, which treats on pigmented skin and heals it.
How to apply?
- Extract the aloe vera gel and keep it in the bowl
- Now add some almond drops to it
- Mix them well and apply on the affected parts and leave for 20 min
- Wash off with lukewarm water
- Do this twice a day, for effective results.
Potato slices:
Potato contains catecholase, an enzyme, which lightens skin and remove dark spots easily.
How to use?
- Take the slices of the potato
- Rub the slices of potato on the thigh area
- Leave it for 20 min and wash off
- Or leave overnight
Cucumber contains skin lightening and bleaching properties, which lightens skin naturally. It removes dead skin cells and generates new skin cells
How to use?
- Take slices of cucumber and rub on the affected area
- Leave for 15 min and wash off
Cucumber pack
- Take equal quantities of cucumber and lemon juice
- Add to it honey and turmeric
- Mix well and apply on the thighs and leave it
- Wash off with lukewarm water
Almond oil:
Almond oil contains vitamin E oil, which is known for bright skin tone and beautiful skin. It removes dark skin patches in the thigh area.
How to use?
- Take handful of almonds
- Soak overnight
- Next day make the paste of almonds
- To it add milk and honey
- Now apply on the area and massage for 15 min
- Wash with cold water
- Do this every alternate day.
Orange peel pack :
Orange peel contains vitamin C which contains natural bleaching properties, which helps in skin lightening.
How to use?
- Take orange peel
- Make the powder of it
- To it add rose water and honey and make a thick paste
- Now apply it on the area and leave for 20 min
- Wash off with cool water
Gram flour:
Gram flour is the natural which we use for skin lightening and brightening.
How to use?
- Take 3 tbsp of gram flour.
- Add to it yogurt and lemon juice.
- Mix it well and apply.
- Massage it gently and leave it for 30 min.
- This becomes the natural scrubber.
- Wash off with lukewarm water.