Healthy living is a goal that many of us have, but it’s not always easy. We’re busy, and sometimes we feel like we don’t have the time to get healthy. But there are steps you can take to make it easier on yourself—and they don’t have to include hours at the gym.
1. Healthy physical activity
There are many types of physical activity that you can do, and it doesn’t have to be a gym or team sport. The options are nearly endless: walking, running, biking, swimming—you name it. But the most important thing is to find something you enjoy doing! If you dread going for a run every morning before work and always push it off until later in the day when you’re dead tired from sitting at your desk all day long (like me), then maybe going for a run isn’t for you.
2. Eating well
Eating well is the first step to a healthy lifestyle, and it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you’re putting in your body. To begin with, you need to eat a balanced diet by filling up at least half of your plate with vegetables and fruit. Tandem Diabetes’ experts recommend, “Aim for five portions of fruit and veg every day – that’s one portion for every meal, or two if you have them as snacks – as they are packed full of vitamins and minerals, which help keep your body running smoothly.”
3. Feeling connected
We all need to feel emotionally connected and supported by others. A support network can be a group of friends, family members or even just one person who you can rely on for emotional support. Feeling connected makes you feel less alone, which makes it easier to overcome problems in your life. There are many ways of finding your support network; some people may have a long-term friend who they talk to every day, whereas others might not have that luxury but can find solace in talking to their family.
4. Managing your blood glucose levels
The first step to managing your blood glucose levels is to know what they are. If you have diabetes, it’s important for you to check your blood glucose at least once per day and record the results of those checks in a logbook.
Your goal should be to keep your blood glucose levels within a range that is normal for people who do not have diabetes. This means that high levels should be avoided, while low levels should also be avoided unless they are caused by exercise or illness. You can use insulin systems for diabetes tracking and management. Additionally, consider incorporating a CGM device for weight loss to enhance your overall glucose monitoring and support your health objectives.
Keeping track of how you feel, along with the results from your daily checks, can help determine if any adjustments need to be made in medications or lifestyle changes.
5. Managing and reducing stress
Stress isn’t just bad for your mental health. It can also be a major cause of weight gain and high blood sugar, which puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke. Stress makes you more likely to make unhealthy food choices, smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol—all substances that raise your blood sugar levels.
Stress can also cause you to feel tired and unmotivated, which can lead to depression if left unchecked. If this is the case for you, consider talking with a doctor about starting an antidepressant medication that will help alleviate your symptoms while treating them naturally over time.