Diet Health & Wellness

Fast and Easy Ways to Get More Fruits and Veggies at Breakfast


Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that many modern diets lack. Processed foods are usually served at breakfast because they are convenient and fast to eat. Unfortunately, processed breakfast foods like cereal, pastries, and packaged bars are much less healthy than more natural foods such as fruits and vegetables, and they are also usually full of unhealthy amounts of sugar. However, there are also some easy and speedy ways to get more fruits and veggies in your diet at breakfast. Here are some things you can try:


Smoothies are a great way to pack fruits and vegetables into your breakfast. You can blend together your favorite fruits and veggies with some yogurt or milk for a healthy and delicious drink. After blending fruits like apples and bananas strain the smoothie to make your drink less lumpy. Some people put greens such as spinach in their smoothies as well as fruit, to make them more nutritious and healthy. 


Consider adding veggies like spinach, mushrooms, peppers, and onions to an omelet for a nutritious and filling breakfast. Omelets are a delicious food that is also one of the most nutritious things you can eat, especially if you use a healthy fat to oil your pan. You can also make omelets with more unusual vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, hot peppers, and squash. 

 Breakfast Bowls

Create a breakfast bowl with a base of quinoa or brown rice and top it with veggies like sweet potatoes, avocado, and roasted vegetables. You can also add scrambled eggs to your bowl if you like the flavor. If you prefer a warm quinoa bowl you will have to make it in the morning. However, many people prefer cold quinoa salad, which can be prepared the night before. This makes the preparation even more convenient and speedy.

 Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs, like omelets, are versatile, fast, and easy. Add diced tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, or other vegetables to your scrambled eggs for a more flavorful and nutritious breakfast. The things that you can add to scrambled eggs are nearly endless and are limited only by your imagination and your taste. For ease, you can purchase frozen chopped vegetables which will lessen your prep time, and you can even saute veggies ahead of time and store them in little packets in the refrigerator. When you are ready to make eggs, you can simply dump the cooked veggies right in with the mix. You can also add bacon bits for flavoring without adding too many processed meats or fats.

 Veggie Wraps

Wrap scrambled eggs or tofu with sautéed veggies in a whole wheat tortilla for a quick and healthy breakfast on the go. Veggie wraps can also be made without any eggs or meat, especially if you enjoy cold wraps. You can make them ahead of time or simply mix up the filling ahead and quickly assemble them when you are ready to eat. This can help prevent the tortilla wrap from getting soggy. If you prefer warm wraps, saute or broil your veggies and then add them to the scrambled eggs or tofu when you are ready to eat so they won’t get cold or soggy. Cheese, dressings, and spices can be added to taste.

 Vegetable Juice

Make fresh vegetable juice with a juicer, or buy pre-made vegetable juice at the grocery store for a quick and easy way to add vegetables to your breakfast. Many people mix fruit and vegetable juice for a sweeter, more delicious drink without sacrificing nutrition or adding sugar. Vegetable and fruit juices are full of nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants, however, be careful of sugar content. Since you are removing the fiber when you juice fruits, you can quickly end up with a high natural sugar content, especially from fruits like apples. These juices are also the most nutritious when made fresh, so don’t make them ahead if you will need to store them for more than a few days.

 Breakfast Salads

Mix together leafy greens, berries, sliced apples, and nuts for a nutritious breakfast salad. There are many fruits and vegetables that are refreshing and delicious in salads. These breakfast salads are delicious with a berry vinegarette or citrus dressing, as those flavors are most in keeping with traditional breakfast tastes. 

 You can also make delicious breakfast fruit salads with various mixed fruits. Add yogurt or other creamy dressing or leave the fruit plain. Fruit salads are very convenient for breakfast because they can be made ahead and can be made with frozen, fresh, or canned fruits.

 Yogurt Parfait

Try making a delicious yogurt parfait with fruits like berries, apples, and bananas. Layer this with plain yogurt and nuts or granola and you will have a very nutritious, easy, and light meal. You can also make a different kind of parfait by using tropical fruits like pineapple, kiwi, mangos, and coconut. If you are trying to avoid carbohydrates, nut-based gluten-free granola is also a delicious addition.


Bake a frittata with veggies like broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes for a filling and healthy breakfast. While a baked dish can take longer to cook because of the baking time, it doesn’t take long to prepare, especially if you chop the vegetables the night before. You can throw the casserole in the oven and let it bake while you finish getting ready for your day or jump in the shower. Frittatas also make delicious and nutritious suppers.

 Veggie Toast

Toast a slice of whole-grain bread and top it with avocado, sliced tomatoes, and a sprinkle of feta cheese for a delicious and nutritious breakfast. There are many different variations of veggie toast, and they are all fast and easy to make. Consider other additions such as olives or basil for an Italian option, or plain avocado for a traditional avocado toast


While it can seem hard to figure out how to make a meal more nutritious and eliminate processed, packaged foods, it can be done. Even busy families can have nutritious veggies and fruits in their morning meals. The key is to plan ahead, prepare fruits and veggies at the beginning of the week when possible, and have a grocery list that focuses on healthy foods. Start small, and take baby steps until you are happy with your more healthy and nutritious lifestyle.

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